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Tips on choosing the right daycare

What is the right choice for my family?! 

It can always be a little scary trying to choose the best place for your little one; It is important to know the differences in the services as it can make an impact on your decision. So, What are the different services?

Family Day Care: 

Family day care is a child care service offering families affordable care by a qualified educator in a home environment. 

A Family Day Care service should be a fun environment that encourages social and emotional development and IF you find a wonderful Family day care; They may begin to introduce educational opportunities. 

Early Learning Centre:

Early Learning Centre’s are designed to spark children's curiosity as they begin to explore, discover and wonder. The educators must be qualified or working towards their qualifications. 

The service is required to have an educational program to encourage the children to learn through play. A good Early Learning Centre can also replace Pre School by Preparing your little one for the transition to “Big School”. 


Preschools are simply that Ladies! A PRE school, This is the stage where your little one should be pre reading, writing, learning simple mathematics etc. Preschool should prepare your little one academically to transition to Primary school. 

Now that we know the difference;

What questions to ask to ensure it is a quality service!

  • What is the staff turn over at the service? 

If there is a high turnover rate with staff; this can make it more difficult for your little one to adjust and feel comfortable as there is constant changes and educators that are HAPPY at the service; do not leave! This is the first sign of a fabulous service if the turnover is low. 

  • Is the service government approved/ Received their accreditation rating? 

The accreditation process is super important as this will tell you that the service has been gone through with a fine tooth comb from paperwork, bathrooms, food preparation, educational programs, hygiene… Anything you can think of; They have checked it for you! 

  • Ask to see their program! 

(I cannot stress this enough) There are a lot of places out there that insist they offer a program but never actually create one. The program structures out every week, It can of course change through the week to include extras; but it is important to have documentation of how their education will change and improve each week. This is actually a requirement of ACECQA (Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority) and should incorporate the EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework).

  • What does the service provide? 

Some services will provide nappies, bedding, meals, sunscreen etc; Some do not. This of course depends on what you would prefer and what you are looking for. 

  • What is the service Routine?

E.g, Morning tea, Lunch, rest time etc. It is important that it does fit in with your routine; But also important that if your little one is getting older they are able to adjust to the changes around them. If you are unhappy with their structure; That service is not for you; Remember they are caring for many other children as well, So find the service that works for YOU!

Good Luck with your search!